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Nordic Place Branding Conference is now PLACExNordic - The Place Attractiveness Conference!

A platform for discussing how we create better, more attractive places for people – with people.

Where colleagues from the fields of economic development, place marketing, talent attraction, investment promotion, tourism and place and urban development come to co-create and be inspired together.

What is PLAXExNordic?

Listen to our Conference Director Morten King-Grubert explain why you should join us in Uppsala May 12-13, 2025.

Who is it for?

 Practitioners and leaders from both public and private sector:
  • Municipalities, regions, and governments working with talent attraction, foreign and domestic direct investments, tourism, place marketing, urban planning, placemaking, and economic development,
  • Science parks, chambers of commerce, startup hubs, universities and key stakeholders / umbrella organisations,
  • Destination companies,
  • Marketing and communication firms,
  • ... And many more!
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Why attend?

The conference connects place leaders and practitioners from the European ecosystem and international players under one roof.

Share your experiences and network with your international colleagues while co-creating learnings and practices together. And then take those learnings with you back home to make your Place better.

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The conference has previously been held...

2015 – in Oslo, Norway 
2016 – in Stockholm, Sweden 
2017 – in Helsinki, Finland 
2018 – in Copenhagen, Denmark 
2019 – in Stockholm, Sweden 
2020 – Digitally due to pandemic, sponsored by Oslo
2021 – Postponed due to pandemic 
2022 – Helsingborg, Sweden 
2023 – Helsinki, Finland
2024 – Tallinn, Estonia

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Letter from the CEO

Future Place Leadership & Place Leadership Academy are proudly introducing our new and improved flagship conference: PLACExNordic! 
We have re-launched the Nordic Place Branding Conference that so many of our partners, collaborators and industry peers within economic development, place marketing, talent attraction, investment promotion, tourism, and place development have come to enjoy over the years.
We hosted the first Nordic Place Branding Conference in 2015, and it has grown to a point where we had participants from 22 different countries joining us in Helsinki in 2023.
During the same period, the world, our industry and the decision making factors of our target audiences have changed significantly.
Places – both cities and rural areas – in the Nordics, in the rest of Europe and around the world face a bunch of pressing challenges. Climate change, safety, pollution, lack of green areas, lack of sustainable mobility options, declining city centres, empty offices, and ageing population, to name a few. 
We simply need to create better, more attractive places for people – and with people. Through place branding and place marketing, but also through development of better places. 
It’s only through means of sustainable development we can create truly good, attractive, and healthy places for people – and places that can attract talent, investment and tourists. Place branding as a topic will still be an integral part of the conference, but we will broaden the scope to discuss all themes related to how we create better, more attractive places. 
The vision of PLACExNordic is to become the natural meeting place and platform for discussing the future of places. 
The first part of our new name symbolises exactly this X factor we believe as fundamental for places, yet one we need to meet, discuss, and develop together in the years to come.
We also continue to drive Nordic values and purpose-driven methodologies centred around empowerment, trust, and co-creation. 
In a way we are introducing a Nordic approach and an invitation to a dialogue with the rest of the world with best-in-class cases from not only the Nordics but also the rest of Europe and beyond. 

We were very excited  to be in Tallinn, Estonia for our inaugural PLACExNordic conference in May 2024, in partnership with award winning Estonian Business and Innovation Agency and Work In Estonia!

In recent years, Estonia and Tallinn as its capital, have emerged as trailblazers in the fields of place branding and development. We truly experienced that.

We cannot wait to have you join us on our journey and to meet us in future PLACExNordic events around the world. In 2025 will be be in Greater Stockholm region with the actual conference taking place in Uppsala. Try close to Arlanda airport for our international guests.

Sincerely and on behalf of the Future Place Leadership family,

Marcus Andersson
CEO, Future Place Leadership

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Our Partners

PLACEx Nordic 2025

Our Partners



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